
I have taught a range of courses at NYU in the Sociology Department, the Gallatin School of Individualized Studies, and XE: Experimental Humanities and Social Engagement. In my view, ethnographic research and sociological education share the same radical democratic promise: using deep engagement with the ideas and experiences of others to challenge received wisdoms and set forth paths for creatively remaking our world. My teaching interests include migration and displacement, sex and gender, social theory, phenomenology, and qualitative/ethnographic methods. In 2022, I received the NYU Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Dean's Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award in the Social Sciences.

Below are sample syllabi for courses that I have recently designed and taught:

Im/mobilities: migration, displacement, exile (NYU Gallatin / syllabus)

Intersectionality and the ethnographic imagination (NYU XE / syllabus)

Sociology of sex and gender (NYU Sociology / syllabus)

Global Fellowship in Urban Practice research tutorial (NYU Gallatin / syllabus)

Research methods (NYU Sociology / syllabus)

Introduction to sociology/writing (Princeton University Preparatory Program)

Additional teaching and mentoring experience

Intermediate and advanced English (Fulbright Vietnam ETA fellow at Hai Phong Community College / 2013-2014)

5th grade classroom teacher (Kansas City, Missouri Public Schools / 2011-2013)