Peer-reviewed articles

2022. “The sakan shababiyy, or the world improvised: masculinity, care, and the production of domestic space in exile.” Ethnography. OnlineFirst.

2022. “Coordinating care and coercion: styles of sovereignty and the politics of humanitarian aid in Lebanon.” Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development 13(2):218-239.

– Graduate Student Paper Awards, ASA Human Rights Section (2023) and the Association for the Anthropology of Policy (2023)

2021. “Dispossessing the displaced in Lebanon’s Beqaa valley.Contexts 20(1):15-20.

Book chapters

2018. “Beyond Emergency: the Riyaq Evictions and the Limits of Humanitarian Knowledge,” Pp. 151-155 in Fawaz, Mona et al., Refugees as City-Makers. Beirut, Lebanon: Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs.

2018. “Ma ba‘d al-tawār’i: ikhlā’ Riyaq wa hudūd al-ma‘rifa al-insāniyya” in Fawaz, Mona et al., Al-lāji’ūn sān‘au al-madina. Beirut, Lebanon: Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs.

Review essays

2018. Review of Reva Jaffe-Walter’s “Coercive Concern Nationalism, Liberalism, and the Schooling of Muslim Youth." Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism. 18(1):85-87.

2017. Review of Jonathan Wrytzen’s “Making Morocco: Colonial Intervention and the Politics of Identity.” Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism 17(2):306-308.


2019. Translations featured in In the Shoes of the Other: Interdisciplinary Essays in Translation Studies from Cairo, ed. Samia Mehrez. Cairo: Al Kotob Khan.

– Badawi, Ahmad Ali. "A Contemporary Odyssey: Dialectics of Love and Torture in Twentieth Century Egypt."

– Mogith, Anwar. “Translation and Philosophy.”